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lunes, febrero 28, 2011

I don´t (just) thank you. I KNOW

Lyrics: http://www.letras4u.com/drake_bell/i_know.htm

Normally I do as everyone does.
I am thankful to others because I feel that is them who make my day. It is their attention, their kindness and the beauty of their feelings what creates the perfect ambient for me to feel better.

But there is a step ahead that.

When somebody from the outside creates an environment, and you enter it, you start depending on such a place. If they try to make you feel better, it is a good thing, but the reverse side is not that easy.
As you are used to let others guide your feelings, you will let them as well make you feel bad.

So it is up to us to understand that whenever someone "makes our day" we are giving our power away as well to "ruin our day".

What is next step for me? understanding that we must try to enter a different place, not controlled, not under supervision, not under opinion or behaviour or emotional climate.
In that place we MUST see ourselves relaxed, able to see FACTS without emotion putting a label in everything.

In that place we are happy. we don´t FEEL happy. We are. There is a great difference.

It is not a rational place. It is not a "not of this world" place. It is just CONSCIENCE. And from it, we are just able to understand more than we can express, because our understanding is not always able to be expressed with words.

When we love someone, we can express more with just one look than with a million words. When we touch a cat, he receives more information and understanding from it than any speech you give to him.

When we try to enter our conscience repeatidly, we are able to say, when someone tells us that he is connected to us, and that makes us feel good, instead of "thanks"...


If you say thanks, you are saying "don´t know if what I understand is what you try to give me, but I feel it is good for me so I thank you". When you say I KNOW you connect with me, directly, doesn´t matter what feelings the present I am giving you create or try to take you to.

We can feel something powerful, and still know it is wrong. But we cannot KNOW something and still say we DON´T. Lying to ourselves is just not possible (yes, some people succeed at that continuously. But in the end, they STILL know). Our common sense always grows, never gets smaller. And the way to know all this is true, is by understanding there is nothing able to say against it. Or better, no other way is known that works better than that.

Somehow it might seem strange that I tell someone not to be thankful. We like people to thank us for what we do for them. But let´s think about this. I get as much happyness as others at least for all the things I do with or for others. Or everything would be just a business, wich is really sad for me to think that life is just.

So everytime, when someone does something for you, you can say:

"I know why you do this"

It sounds really strange, I know. But you will connect with the other instead of just accepting a present and somehow having a present to give back (thankfullness is also a present to others, and many people gets angry if you don´t give it to them, they wait for an exchange).

I know I should be an example and not only teories, and even it is hard to find people understanding all this without explanation, I will try to behave like I "pray" more often than usually I do.

Guess the risk is only separating real listeners from just viewers of the show... And that in the end does not look that bad at all...

1 comentario:

Gloria dijo...

I will always know...